
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog! I’ve been making Facebook updates so hopefully you’re friends with me through that! 

This blog is to update you on a previous blog post I made. Here it is if you need a refresher. 

Seek. Do. Teach.


Update on how faithful God has been to answer my prayers: 

My blog “Seek. Do. Teach.” was about seeking the word of God, doing it, and teaching it. One of my prayers heading into this trip was that I would grow in theses three areas. And wow! God has given me so much opportunity to do just that! 

I’ve been guest preaching at churches each month so far and teaching in a bible school this month! It’s so cool! Preaching is definitely a spiritual gift of mine which is hard in America because of the way people view women speaking in the church. However, here I am preaching and teaching  4-5 times a week. It’s so much fun and something I’ve realized that I’m actually pretty good at. I love that God is using me this way especially since one of my biggest prayers going into this trip was that I could live out Ezra 7:10. Seek the word. Do the word. Teach the word. The amount that I have been seeking and teaching the word this month is INSANE. It’s so cool! For some people on my squad it’s not exactly their favorite but I love it! God is using me to teach His living word to the people of Togo!