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Small victories are still worth mentioning so here’s one of mine. 

We were all worshiping at a night session as a squad and it was working kind of different. No instruments and random people would start a song and everyone would join in. I really wanted to sing the song “I have decided to follow Jesus” but I didn’t want to start it. Many of you know my voice isn’t exactly the voice of an angel and singing in front of a big group of people isn’t something I feel confident in at all. So at first I prayed that someone else would start singing it and I heard God saying, 

“Why are you praying for someone else to do it? Don’t you want to be a part of what I have planned?” 

Ugh. How many times have I done that in my life? So I sat there and took a few minutes to work up the courage. At a good time I started singing and others joined in. The act itself wasn’t all that great but I was SO happy afterwards because I had obeyed. I had obedience to the Lord in a small thing and even that brought immense joy. Having obedience in the small things is the way I want to live my life. The night really wouldn’t have been different if I had said no to God and not done it. However, a whole life lived saying yes and being obedient in the small things makes a big difference. 

That night was just one of my small victories. God gives us opportunity for so many of those everyday. He LOVES to see you obey. It brings him joy and we get some of that joy as well. 

Just try out living a life of saying yes and get ready to experience so so many small victories with Christ.


One response to “Small Victories”

  1. Wow, so very encouraging to have obedience even/especially in the small things. Thanks for sharpening me from half way across the world! We love and miss you and are praying for you!!!